
The Nurse-Midwife (NMW) is an advanced practice nurse who have met the educational standards and certification requirements established by the Board and possesses additional advanced practice educational preparation and skills consistent with the Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice adopted by the American College of Nurse-Midwives. After receiving a certificate from the BRN, a NWM is authorized to attend cases of low-risk pregnancy and childbirth to provide prenatal, intrapartum, and postpartum care, including interconception care, family planning care, and immediate care for the newborn.

The BRN issues a furnishing number to a NMW that allows them to "order" or furnish drugs and devices to patients using approved standardized procedures. The drugs or devices are furnished or ordered by a NMW in line with care rendered, consistent with the NMW’s educational preparation or for which clinical competency has been established and maintained. The furnishing or ordering of drugs or devices by a NMW for services that do not fall within the scope of services including, are in accordance with the standardized procedures or protocols developed in collaboration with, and approved by, a physician and surgeon and the NMW.

In order to furnish Schedule II controlled substances, nurse midwives must complete the required pharmacological content including the risks of addiction associated with their use and neonatal abstinence syndrome associated with the use of opioids, in an advanced pharmacology course associated with a nurse midwife/APRN academic program and shall register with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).


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BPC 2725 (e): No state agency other than the board may define or interpret the practice of nursing for those licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or develop standardized procedures or protocols pursuant to this chapter, unless so authorized by this chapter, or specifically required under state or federal statute. “State agency” includes every state office, officer, department, division, bureau, board, authority, and commission.